"Work It Girl!" – Tania Doub

Breaking a dining record at PABU!

My husband was right! Izakaya at PABU Restaurant IS incredible! And ironically I’ve been lucky enough to dine there 6 times already with Segment!

When I first started my job at Segment, the first thing my husband said to me was “You have to try PABU in San Francisco!” He had been on a business trip not long ago, and ever since, has positively declared to anyone who would listen that PABU is one of his absolute, all time, FAVORITE restaurants…ever!

We mapped out the restaurant to Segment’s San Francisco office where I would be training for 1 week hoping it was close enough so that I could sneak in for a meal. Turns out it was a 1 minute walk. Right across the street, in fact! A mere 354 feet away. He was already super jealous. It wasn’t hard to tell…

The recruiter who worked with me at Segment was really excited that I would be in town and had offered to take me to dinner my first night. “Could we go to PABU?” I asked. “It’s my husbands favorite restaurant and I would really love to try it if you’re up for it.” We had an incredible dinner together and not only did we realize we have a ton in common personally, but we also chatted the night away about Segment and all of the things I would come to learn about this new company that I was starting with.

The next day, one of the Enterprise Sales Managers had set aside time with me for a lunch meeting. “Is PABU OK?” She asked? “It’s quick and easy and right across the street.” Was it?! I quickly drafted a text to my husband that said something like “PABU again!… sucker!” and quickly darted out the door for my lunch meeting.

Every trip to San Francisco I’ve had since that time has resulted in some team event or lunch meeting at PABU. It’s to the point where I can’t even mention it to John because I know how much he loves it and I hate to keeping rubbing it in! Until…

Just last month Segment hosted a marketing roadshow in Boston. We were told to invite our top customers and prospects and we were featuring a customer success story and renting out a private restaurant and dining experience for our event. Turns out PABU had just opened their second location in Boston only months prior! And our marketing team picked PABU to host our event! Segment had bought out the entire restaurant for the evening!

There was a big sign at the front door that said “CLOSED FOR PRIVATE EVENT. SEGMENT.”

We arranged for a tasting menu for our customers that allowed us to try every last bite the restaurant offered and saki flights that paired perfectly with our meal. It was really the ultimate dining experience! And when I got home later that evening, I couldn’t help but rub in it.

Just this one last time…

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